Introducing the fastest hopper filling system on the market. Leave the tiresome task of storing and sorting medication behind. An ideal addition to your Medimat

Fill in Box Automated Filling Machine
Fill in Box Automated Filling Machine

The Easiest and Fastest Hopper Filling System

Our Fill-in-Box is an automated hopper filling system that can be used along with the Medimat or Robomat units. Simply tip the medicine packs into the hopper and they will be processed at an impressive rate of up to 250 packs an hour.

The Fill-in-Box has been engineered to easily sort bulk deliveries and has an input conveyor with a loading capacity of up to 400 packs. Capacity can be expanded up to several thousand packs by adding an additional conveyor belt. The system is fully automated, eliminating the need for manual pack handling for pharmacy staff, improving productivity.

  • At any time, the Fill-in-Box can easily be added to the Medimat or Robomat robotic dispensing systems.
  • Fully automated loading—no manual pack handling
  • Sorts bulk deliveries
  • Design flexibility


  • Fully automated storage
  • Sorted bulk deliveries
  • Reduced time and effort
  • 24/7 storage without personnel
  • No manual handling needed
  • Retroactive installation and mounting possible



Width: 1.5 m
Depth: 0.5 m
Height: 1.25 m

Weight: approx. 300 kg

Installation: Along the long sides

Power supply: 230 V AC/50 Hz

Power consumption: 0.1 – 0.2 kW


  • Fill-In-Box S1 – Automatic separation and transfer to the picking machines.
  • Fill-In-Box S2 – Automatic separation and transfer to the picking machines with direct
    identification of the packs.

Storage rate: Up to 250 packs/hour

Capacity: approx. 250 packs (75 l hopper volume).
The capacity can be expanded to several thousand packs by installing a buffer conveyor belt.

Design: Front panel of printed safety glass; custom glass design possible.

By virtue of the modular construction of the Omnicell picking machines, retroactive
mounting of a Fill-In Box is also possible.

You may also opt for this module at a later time.


Phone 0161 413 5333 and then option 5 for support or email

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Omnicell customers around the world are responding to industry challenges by initiating change management and digital transformation strategies. On day one, these organizations experience the benefits of their journey to the autonomous pharmacy.

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