Medimat Robotic Dispensing Solution

Optimise your community pharmacy. Sized to your needs, this nimble medication dispensing robot will free-up staff time, reduce errors and remove wastage from your pharmacy

Medimat RDS Medical Cabinet
Medimat RDS Medical Cabinet

The Medimat is Omnicell’s next generation, pack picking robot. It can automate the storing, management and dispensing of medication packs.

Omnicell has vast experience in cutting edge technology to support retail pharmacy processes. This experience has enabled us to create a new generation of robot. It's a solution that is fit for purpose, supports effective and efficient workflows, and saves you time and money. Our next generation Medimat boasts many new cutting-edge features and functions. We're confident that it will revolutionise and improve how your pharmacy operates.

Omnicell RDS Next-Generation Pharmacy Robotic Dispensing

New features and functionality

  • Increased capacity over the full length of the machine using Omnicell’s new adapted shelving system.
  • New Fill In Door Direct input mode adapted in line with FMD requirements (in addition to existing mode). You can get items in stock much faster using the new multipicking gripper.
  • FlexArea shelves to make storage flexible and adaptable to move them to where you need them most.
  • Additional software options are available that offer further efficiency and safety. This includes multi tenancy, controlled drugs options and user management.
  • Runs on the latest version of Windows.
  • Improved gripper technology to make dispensing faster and further reliable.
  • The gripper dimensions have increased so the robot can manage larger medication packs. This increases the number of lines that can be automated.
  • A new, modern look and feel. Available in four different colours and 16 standard combinations to match pharmacy branding.
  • Bespoke sizes and configurations to suit your needs.
  • The option to upgrade with the new Xpress module. This will help your pharmacy to optimise and efficiently manage both fast and slow moving product lines that require a high output.


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Community pharmacies across the UK are addressing their business challenges by transforming inefficient and error-prone processes with technology with Omnicell. Contact us today to begin your pharmacy automation journey.

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