Making Sure You Have the Right Medication at One of the First Points of Care
Case Study - The Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust (WAST) have installed Omnicell’s automated cabinets at 15 District General Hospital sites and five ambulance stations across Wales.

ADC XT Series
Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust
The Lord Carter report highlighted the need for ambulance services to take advantage of digital innovation and technology. The report recommended that there should be an increase in patients treated at the scene of an emergency to create savings and reduce pressures on A&E wards. Omnicell automated dispensing systems can help do this by allowing frontline staff to easily access medication so that they can restock their medication pouches/kits.
- To free up staff time, help the ambulance service make significant financial savings and ensure that staff have the right dose of the right medication at the scene of an emergency.
A secure biometric access
The system provides WAST clinicians with secure, biometric controlled access to the range of prescription only medicines and controlled drugs that are used by the 999 service. Fingerprint login to the system lets ambulance crews select and withdraw their required medicines and then registers the withdrawal against the vehicle call sign.
A national standardised solution
The system provides a national standardised solution across Wales and offers a much greater level of monitoring, control and traceability.

The new system has greatly improved the safe and secure management of our medicines and offers us a far greater level of control and access. One of the great benefits of the system is the reduction in time it takes to replenish stocks. As we no longer have the administrative burden of recording drug withdrawals by hand, our vehicles and crews are more readily available to respond to 999 calls and spend more time focusing on face-to-face patient care.
Enhanced Safety and Secure Management of Medicines
Improve the safety, secure management of medicines and offer a far greater level of control and access.

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